;Cal. Masonic ;CE = PE (Profane Era), PS (Profane Style), Common Epoch, Vulgar Era ;For a syntax description see PTBSync Help! ;If you find an error please contact: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com LANGUAGE=UTF8 IMAGE=Holiday_days.gif COMMENT=Updated September 1, 2012 \nAL=Anno Lucius, AO=Anno Ordinis, AM=Anno Mundi, ADep=Anno Depositionis, AInv=Anno Inventionis, AB=Anno Benefacio, AR=Anno Renascent ;Craft Masonry's calendar commences with the creation of the world, as the Earth was believed in conventional theology to have began in 4000 BC ;Masons of the York & French Rites (i.e., Masons of England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Germany & America) ;the York Rite, the year begins on the 1st of January; but in the French Rite it begins on the 1st of March ;AL=Anno Lucius, "In the year of Light" 01.1. =Craft Masonry's calendar New Year #-3999 AL (some rites) ;Note=Anno Lucius (AL), origin 4000 BPE/BPS/BCE (year 0 CE nonexistent), York & Ameriean Rites 01.3. =Craft Masonry's calendar New Year #-3999 AL (some rites) ;Note=Anno Lucius (AL), origin 4000 BPE/BPS/BCE (year 0 CE nonexistent), Dutch & French Rite ;Knights Templar start their calendar with the formation of the order in 1118 AD ;AO=Anno Ordinis, "In the year of the Order" 01.1. =Knights Templar Masonic calendar New Year #1118 AO ;Note=Anno Ordinis (AO), origin 1118 PE/PS/CE ;Scottish Rite date the same as Craft Masons, except for the use of the Jewish Chronology (including new Year date) ;Scottish Rite, now known as the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite ;AM=Anno Mundi, "In the year of the World", AH=Anno Hebraico ;01.1. =Masonic, Scottish Rite calendar New Year #-3759 AM ;Note=Anno Mundi (AM), origin 3760 BPE/BPS/BCE (year 0 CE nonexistent) {Jewish 01.1.} =Scottish Rite Masonic calendar New Year, 1 Tisri #-3761 AM/AH ;Note=Anno Mundi (AM), Anno Hebraico (AH), origin 3761 BPE/BPS/BCE (year 0 CE nonexistent) (JK) ;Royal and Select Masters or Cryptic Masons date from the year in which the Temple of Solomon was completed ;ADep=Anno Depositionis, "In the year of the Deposit" 01.1. =Royal and Select Masters Masonic calendar New Year #-0999 ADep ;Note=Anno Depositionis (ADep), origin 1000 BPE/BPS/BCE (year 0 CE nonexistent) ;Royal Arch Masons date time from the year the second temple was commended by Zerubbabel ;AInv=Anno Inventionis, "In the year of Discovery" 01.1. =Royal Arch Masonic calendar New Year #-0529 AInv ;Note=Anno Inventionis (AInv), origin 530 BPE/BPS/BCE (year 0 CE nonexistent) ;Order of High Priesthood, Abraham is said to have been blessed by Melchizedek in 1913 BC ;AB=Anno Benefacio, "Year of Blessing" of Abraham by Melchizedek 01.1. =High Priesthood Masonic calendar New Year #-1912 AB ;Note=Anno Benefacio (AB), origin 1913 BPE/BPS/BCE (year 0 CE nonexistent) ;Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests, this Order is said to have been revived in 1686 AD ;AR=Anno Renascent, "Year of Revival" 01.1. =Holy Royal Arch Masonic calendar New Year #1686 AR ;Note=Anno Renascent (AR), origin 1686 PE/PS/CE ;These entries were added by: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com - http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ ;The abbreviations {d} {m} {e} {y} ... are explained on http://users.telenet.be/wdew/Basis%20PTB/BasisEN.htm